
Wholesale Trade of Fish and Shellfish. All staff at Comercial Chisascab is available to provide the best service. Discover why all companies in Seafood are not equal. We can be found at Progreso, Yucatan, feel free to visit or call us.

Tel: +52 (999) 947.96.71 / +52 (999) 2 562780


Cobertura chisascab
Mexico, Usa, Canada, Cuba, France, Spain, Italy, China


Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points

FDA Food and Drug Administration


Pulpo maya chisascab

Pulpo maya

Commonly called red octopus, is very similar to the common octopus Octopus Vulgaris or patón as fishermen call them.


Epinephelus morio

Conocinada as Mero, is a species of fish in the Serranidae family.


Panulirus argus

The Caribbean lobster, also known as Florida lobster or lobster West Indies

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Tablaje Catastral 8630 Col. Paraíso, Progreso. CP 97320. Tel: +52 (999) 947-96-71 / +52 (999) 2562780
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